An absentee problem is also a profit problem – something no organisation can afford. The causes are complex, but a check on company practices will help to identify areas that need attention.
Surprisingly, some of the most effective strategies for combating absenteeism are inexpensive and easy to administer.
They are fully set out in this book, which:
- Investigates the problems of absenteeism;
- Demonstrates how to create a work environment conducive to good attendance;
- Gives step-by-step procedures to reduce absenteeism;
- Provides for a basic toolkit to fight absenteeism effectively.
The contents include:
- The Problem with Absenteeism: Reluctant Managers!
- The Law: Briefly!
- Getting Organised: Prepare!
- Boosting Employee Morale: They Must Want to Come to Work!
- Introducing an Absenteeism Prevention Programme: Do or Die!
- Employee Communications: Talk to the People!
- Rewarding Employees: Money Talks!
- Blueprint for Action: Summing Up!
- Discipline and Dismissals: You are Fired!
- To the CCMA We Go: Weaving a Watertight Case!
- Role of the Law in the Employment Relationship
- Appendix 2: Origin and Cycle of HR/IR Policies and Procedures