In this book, the authors share their experience in designing and implementing leadership development strategies, processes and practices. Whilst the backing of good science and research is clearly evident, the focus is very much on the practical side of this hugely challenging field. In this sense, the book attempts to simplify a complex human capital challenge, so that people and companies who know ‘what’ to do, now also have a guideline on ‘how’. Do the approach and toolsets work? In our case, progressing from the design to the implementation of a multilevel leadership development process took less than six months, using the approach shared here. If you have read all there is to read on leadership development and are still wondering how to implement such processes, this publication deserves to be on your desk, not only on your bookshelf.
Mashumi Tutu | Group Manager: Learning and Development Pioneer Foods (PTY) Ltd
The book is divided into two sections:
- Section 1 deals with defining and implementing leadership strategy in a practical manner;
- Section 2 which deals with the theory, is a summary of Reshaping leadership DNA.
Focus areas
- The changing world of leadership
- Leadership as a strategic imperative
- Defining leadership strategy and brand
- Leadership capacity identification and capacity building
- A leadership governance framework
- Measuring benefit realization
- Future world of work
- The modern organization
- The organization of the future