
A shortage of critical skills, especially amongst the black population, is seen as a key impediment to the growth of the economy as a whole, as well as to the growth of individual companies. In addition, skills development practice today is highly complex compared to the way it was ten years ago. This new level of complexity has been dictated by four challenging skills development imperatives – in other words, the goals of skills development interventions are to deliver:

  • Job competence development
  • Affirmative action
  • Succession planning
  • Broad-based black economic empowerment

In this book we have attempted to provide information and tools for the skills development practitioner which we hope will maximise his/her capacity to deliver on skills development imperatives.

Most of the documents in this handbook are based on personal experience and are the original work of the authors. Others are from websites of South African Government Departments, which are understood to be public domain documents that are not subject to copyright laws. The tools/documents are also available from the publisher’s website.