
“The Coaching Leaders’ Programme” is a Facilitation and Supervision Guide. It is a follow-up on the published book “Coaching Leaders: The 7 ‘P’ Tools to Propel Change”. This new guide accompanies a DVD called “The 7 P’s of Coaching Leaders”. For Facilitators, this training package includes:

  1. A Facilitation Guide with schedules
  2. Slides and Participants’ Workbooks
  3. Guidelines for Two-day, One-day and Half-day workshops.

It is ideal for rolling out Coaching and Personal Mastery and Leadership Development programmes in organisations.

Coaching Skills are taken to a deeper fundamental level to raise the bar in quality of coaching practice, with a model called “The 7 C’s Core Coaching Competencies Model”. It enables systematic discussion and evaluation of coaching skills, as well as providing evaluation sheets for reflective practice.

This conceptual framework enables positioning of coaching as an organisational development intervention, impacting not only on individuals, but also on teams, organisations, and ultimately, societies. For Coaching Reviewers and Supervisors, the guide provides evaluation sheets and a new model, namely:  “The 7 ‘S’ Spaces Coaching Supervision Model” – original and unique to Coaching Supervision.