For African organisations and companies, the challenges of social and political innovation far exceed the technical challenges. In Ubuntu: The Spirit of African Transformation Management, the authors suggest that we harness the social experience and innovation of the African people and align these with successful management techniques from the West and the East. In essence, this requires careful and creative strategic alignment by African managers.
It is time that modern management puts rituals and ceremony, as well as spirit, music and dance, at the centre and crafts these vital elements into our training and development programmes. Masibambane – let us collectively celebrate our feelings and spirit. Let Ubuntu be our premium cultural, business and product emblem.
The contents of the book include:
- Ubuntu or Botho: A celebration of cultural diversity in business enterprise
- Ubuntu: The spirit of African collective leadership
- Ubuntu in the political kingdom
- Ubuntu in the economic kingdom
- Masibambane: A collective celebration of the African soul in business
- Ubuntu in the kingdom of God
- Ubuntu in the city of learning
- Ubuntu: The spirit of African solidarity in affirmative action
- The spirit of Ubuntu in marketing management
- Ubuntu in the age of collective financial accountability
- Ubuntu in the production kingdom
- Ubuntu in the kingdom of health
- Ubuntu in the education kingdom
- Images of Ubuntu in the Rainbow Nation