by Theo H Veldsman

Ongoing disruptive innovation has become the key competitive edge for organisations in staying ahead of the game in the inimitable, experience-based economy. As the sole source of imagination, creativity, innovation, and invention, people have moved centre stage in the continued viability of organisations, in the present and going into the future. They have become the only true value unlockers and wealth creators in organisations. Therefore, knowing the state of People Excellence in one’s organisation, as well as becoming smarter at it, have become a mission-critical imperative for every organisation.

So, what is People Excellence all about?

People Excellence sits at the synergistic confluence of thriving employees; delighted stakeholders; and a viable organisation. When an organisation becomes excellent at creating and maintain the conditions under which their people can thrive, people respond by unlocking real, outstanding value and creating worthy, lasting wealth to the amazed delight of stakeholders, in this way ensuring the organisation’s ongoing viability. People are the best they can be, and want to, because they feel fulfilled.

A strategic organisational stress test of the organisation’s people creditworthiness: The People Excellence Star

If knowing the People Excellence of the organisation has become a mission-critical imperative, then a real need exists for a strategic organisational stress test of the organisation’s people creditworthiness, and the strategic actions to take in enhancing it. Such a stress test exists in the form of the People Excellence Star proposed by myself in my recently released book, entitled: The People Excellence Star. A strategic organisational stress test. The Star aims to capacitate organisations to perform a strategic, organisational stress test of their overall people creditworthiness.

Why a ‘Star’ as the metaphor of People Excellence? Firstly, People Excellence signifies that an organisation is a ’Shining Star’ regarding its people. Secondly, a star provides a fixed point to plot and navigate one’s direction despite distractions and the unknown.   The People Excellence Star endeavours to provide a steady compass setting to People Excellence in the organisation. Thirdly, the chemistry at the core of a star of the ongoing fusion of hydrogen and helium that generates and releases ongoing energy providing light, is indicative of People Excellence as the outcome of unleashing the overall, continuous, powerful virtuous synergistic fusion of all the People Excellence Domains and Elements in the organisation. People Excellence is not a single thing but an dynamic whole (see below).

The make-up and dynamics of the People Excellence Star

The People Excellence Star is based on and distilled from the very best thought-leadership, latest research, and cutting-edge practices regarding People Excellence.  The figure graphically depicts the People Excellence Star in terms of its Dimensions and Elements.

A high-level exposition of the People Excellence Dimensions and Elements

Limited space prevents me from giving a detailed explication of the People Excellence Dimensions and Elements making up the Star. In brief, the Dimensions can be described as follows:

  • People Context (Fit Synergy): the People Excellence Requirements of the context, translated into a People Excellence Specification for the organisation that befits the operating arena of the organisation
  • Excellence Domain 1: Identity (Congruence Synergy) – the pro-active, strategic positioning of people in contributing to the organisation’s performance, success and future viability
  • Excellence Domain 2: Capacity (Reinforcement synergy)setting up the necessary people potentiality to achieve excellently
  • Excellence Domain 3: Delivery (Multiplication Synergy)the real time, actual value being unlocked by the organisation’s people
  • Excellence Domain 4: Outcomes (Wisdom Synergy)the wealth that has been created by people of the organisation for its stakeholders
  • Excellence Domain 5: Relationships (Legitimacy Synergy) the reputation the organisation has regarding the difference it is making for its stakeholders

 Converting the People Excellence Star into a People Value Chain

People Excellence is the outcome of the overall, continuous, powerful, virtuous fusion between all the Excellence Domains with their constituent Elements. The People Excellence Domains with their commensurate Elements must act together in positive, rhythmic, and synergistic concert, in this way capacitating the organisation to achieve exceedingly well with its people. They must configure into a dynamic pattern that is expressive of an upward, virtuous cycle of increasing People Excellence. The organisation is a shining ‘star’ with respect to people. Of course, a downward, vicious cycle of decreasing People Excellence is also possible in an organisation. This type of organisation can only be but a ‘Black Hole’ when it comes to its people.

The above-described dynamic can be graphically represented in the form of People Excellence Value Chain. The People Excellence Star, and its conversion in a People Excellence Value Chain, and its translation into a People Excellence Interdependency Matrix, are discussed at length and in detail in my book:  The People Excellence Star. A strategic organisational stress test.

My book can be ordered HERE

A one-day, workshop is offered on the People Excellence Star on February 11th 2022. Please book HERE