KR Online Library
Subscription Process
and Team Management

Accessing Free eBooks

Subscription and Access

To obtain access to free eBooks, subscribe for a minimum duration of one year as a corporate, academic library, or individual member. Upon subscription, we will furnish you with login details, granting unlimited access to the entire platform.

Library Navigation

Explore the library using various search criteria, such as eBook title, category, content type, or search terms. Results are presented in order of relevance, facilitating efficient information retrieval.

eBook Selection and Cart Addition

Identify your desired eBook and choose “KR Library Members” from the drop-down menu. Add the selected title to your shopping cart.

Checkout Process

Proceed to the “Checkout” section and seamlessly complete the checkout process without incurring charges for the selected eBook.

eBook Download

Upon successful checkout, locate your eBook in the “Downloads” section. Click on the title link to download the PDF version of the eBook and commence reading.

Adding Team Members to Corporate or Academic Memberships

For Corporate or Academic Library memberships, the primary member serves as the account manager and can include multiple team members. Follow these steps to add members:

  • Open the My Account menu.

  • Navigate to the Teams tab.

  • Enter the email address of the member you wish to add.

  • Send an invitation to the team member.

  • The team member will receive an invitation email, allowing them to activate and access the membership.

Manager Role Modification

The account manager has the flexibility to change the manager role at any time through the My Account section.