
Future-Fit Leaders by Prof Theo H Veldsman is no ordinary leadership handbook. It’s a real-time leadership diary. It is structured around the action learning process of:

  • Exploration
  • Discovery
  • Action
  • Learning, and
  • Reflection

It endeavours to enable you as a leader to turn your Experiences as a leader into Information, and your Information into Knowledge; and your Knowledge into Wisdom.

The aim of this book is to act as a Leadership Diary to direct and guide your daily leadership journey. It belongs on your desk at all times as an immediate, handy reference and a means to reflect on and keep a record of your leadership journey.

The diary covers various themes and each theme comes with questions for reflection; and space to record your leadership journey with respect to that theme.
If you are a leader or would like to develop your leadership skills then this diary is a must-have for 2015.

Themes covered in the diary:

  • Theme 1: The imperative for leadership excellence going into the future.
  • Theme 2: What is leadership all about?
  • Theme 3: What is the profile of future-fit leaders?
  • Theme 4: What are the critical qualities of future-fit leaders?
  • Theme 5: Answering the ultimate leadership excellence questions.
  • Theme 6: My pledge as a future-fit leader.